
Yousung Largent

Artist Extraordinaire! Yousung is the visionary designer and owner of Yousung Choi Fine Art Pottery.

She is the brains behind all of the studio’s major projects.


Rebecca Largent

Rebecca is the free-spirited and fun-loving daughter of Chris and Yousung Largent, and is blessed to have inherited a creative eye of her own.

Pay a visit to her little corner of the store.


Eddie Largent

Eddie is the lime light loving family superstar, who just happens to be pursuing an interest in marketing.

He is the studio’s social media manager.


Chris Largent

Chris is the rock of the studio, keeping the equipment in line, doing all of the fun graphic design & website wizardry, and just generally keeping the team motivated.

He’s also known to put his hands in the mud from time to time.



Thunder is our mascot and the family sweetheart.

He is either loving everyone he meets or barking like a demon at every noise he hears outside.